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Do You Have A Legacy & Is it Protected?

Did you know that 70% of all legacies fail and at least 55% of all Americans die without a will or an estate plan? Those are large numbers, right?

You're young, so why do you need to know this? As a business owner, entrepreneur, athlete, or whatever you label yourself, you have something of value although you may not have thought of it that way yourself.

If you've ever created something such as a business, certain intellectual property, opened an insurance policy, created an account on Paypal, purchased bitcoin, have a savings or checking account, etc., it creates assets within your "estate."

Often, individuals devalue or undervalue the things or assets they have and thus, are not prepared for life after death, which often has grave consequences for their loved ones.

I've helped my clients to begin thinking seriously about their legacy and how to protect it and you should too. I'm sure you can think of someone you know who was stressed out or pissed off because they didn't get what they thought they were entitled to, or another seemingly stole their inheritance, for example.

Although it's sometimes hard to think about planning for your death, think of the freedom it'll give you by knowing you did all you could do to ensure your business was properly protected and the succession planning you created was effectively done and communicated so your full legacy can pass on.

Want to start working on this now? Get access to my 3 Methods to Creating A Legacy Workshop by emailing me at and putting in the subject line: I WANT THE LEGACY TRAINING.


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